Since 1959 thevenerable AR-7 has been the choice of U.S. Air Force pilots who need asmall-caliber rifle they can count on should they have to punch out over aremote area. Through the years the AR-7’s reputation for portability, ease ofoperation and reliability has carried over to the civilian world. Today it’s afavorite of bush pilots, backpackers and backcountry adventurers who, liketheir Air Force counterparts, need a rifle that’s easy to carry yet has theaccuracy to reliably take down small game. Like the originalHenry U.S. Survival Rifle, this innovative, semi-automatic model is lightweight(3.5 lbs.) and highly portable. At just 16.5″ long, when all the components arestowed, it easily fits into the cargo area of a plane, boat or in a backpack.It’s chambered in .22 LR so you can carry a large quantity of ammunitionwithout adding much weight to your gear. When disassembled thepieces fit inside the impact-resistant, water resistant stock. Assembly is aseasy as attaching the receiver to the stock, inserting the barrel, and screwingon the nut. In a few seconds, without any tools, the Henry U.S. Survival AR-7is ready for action. It comes standard with a sturdy steel barrel covered intough ABS plastic that’s coated with Teflon™ for complete protection againstcorrosion. It’s engineered for perfect balance and the ability to maintain itstack-driving accuracy, even after thousands of rounds. The receiver is alsocoated with Teflon™ for superior weatherproofing and waterproof protection,even in harsh saltwater environments. The updated receiver is grooved, makingit easy to top off with your favorite optics. The Henry U.S.Survival AR-7 is available in two finishes; Black and Mossy Oak Break-UpCamo Pattern. All models are equipped with an adjustable rear sight and ablade front sight.