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Smith and Wesson 642 Performance Center Matte Stainless / Wood .38 SPL 1.825-inch 5Rd

Original price was: $492.99.Current price is: $419.04.


Another in a long line of Smith and Wesson’s Performance Center revolvers, the 642 PC is a powerhouse of precision. The weapon has a 8.75 inch barrel and a .38 special caliber. These revolvers are all hand cut and fine tuned for excellence, and the 642 PC is no exception. Each one combines the classic look of old technology with the speed and accuracy of weaponry advances. The fixed sights ensure your aim is solid. Basketweave wooden grips prevent your hands from slipping off your gun at a critical moment. The entire revolver has a beautiful silver matte finish that you and all your friends will admire. The 642 PC itself is composed of aluminum alloy and stainless steel. It holds five deadly rounds and is double action only. Holding a classic Smith and Wesson revolver is holding power in the palm of your well skilled hand.

.38 Special (rated for P loads)
Double action only revolver
Performance Center tuned action
1.875″ barrel
5 rounds capacity
Aluminum alloy frame
Fixed sights
Custom wood grips
Overall length 6.3″
Weight 15 oz
Stainless steel

SKU: 126c8a5df03c Category:


More Information
Action Type Revolver
Barrel Length 1.825
Caliber .38 SPL
Capacity 5
Condition New in Box
Manufacturer Part Number 170348
Model 642 Performance Center
Type Revolvers
UPC 022188703481