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Thompson Submachine Gun

Original price was: $24,568.89.Current price is: $15,579.89.

On Layaway !!!


Thompson Submachine Gun Fully transferable

Thompson Auto Ordnance 1928 Thompson

This is an Auto Ordnance Thompson Machine Gun Class 3 fully transferable on a FORM 3. Manufactured in the 1970s as part of the “A” suffix serial range. The 1928 Thompson is practically a perfect reproduction of the original vintage “Roaring Twenties” Tommy Gun, the Thompson was one of the great “heavy metal” submachine guns, operating semi or full automatic on an open bolt, fully machined with fine hardwood furniture.

The magazine slot is configured for drum magazines and stick magazines. Internally, there are some differences from the original 1928 pattern, with the bolt handle being a separate component instead of integrally forged and slight variation in the oiler pad design. Included with the item are 5 extra stick magazines and an Auto-Ordnance Type “L” 50-round magazine. Very nice gun with about 75% original blue finish, with some very minor pitting and mild handling marks.


On Layaway !!!


Thompson Submachine Gun Fully transferable


Thompson Auto Ordnance 1928 Thompson

This is a NFA weapon fully transferable on form 3 that will efile to your dealer. shipping will be USPO registered fully insured-this is a fully transferable Class 3 Machine gun.