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Thompson Submachine Gun M1A1

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Thompson M1A1

Made September 1980 and in very good condition throughout for year.  Unfired !!!

Carrier bolt in excellent condition, and internally in very good condition.

Great Thompson for a re-enactor, collector or film/theatre.

All works exactly as it should.

Includes: Original box (lid a little tatty),  Copy of original instructions, M1A1 carry sling, Hudson 20rd magazine, 6x brand new, unfired / new 45ACP blowback cartridges (reusable).

Functions, fieldstrips like the real thing!

Fully constructed of metal and wood, there is no plastic whatsoever anywhere.  Nicely marked with Thompson markings


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Thompson M1A1

The Thompson will operate exactly like the real thing It is engineered precisely like the original, and also operates like the original in every way, such as: Side cocking handle, safety selector, selectable fire: Semi and Full auto, loading, ejection of rounds, magazine loading/ removal, locking. ect. Internals are also copied which provides very much same fire rate and fieldstrip is exactly like the original.

On full auto fire you can give out controlled burst fire, each squeeze of the trigger will provide a burst as long as the trigger is held,  alternatively hold the trigger for full auto till the magazine is empty.   Semi Auto:  one squeeze provides one shot.

The Hudson Thompson M1A1  has the following markings:

“Thompson Submachine Gun Caliber .45 M1” “Auto Ordnance Corporation Bridgeport Connecticut U.S.A”

Just like the original including same markings for the fire / safety selectors.

Weight: 4.6Kg

Construction: Metal & Wood

Operation: Blowback Cartridge

Selective Fire: Semi + Full Automatic

Magazine Capacity: 20x .45ACP blowback cartridges

Optional: 30 round magazine